Tipping the cyber scales - 5 steps to get ahead

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Helen Hurley Senior Growth Marketer

~ 3min read

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As cyber attacks become more frequent, advanced and insidious, continually evolving your cybersecurity measures is the only way to protect against an ever-changing threat. With predictions of the cost of cyber crime reaching £10.3 trillion annually by 2025, it starts with knowing which investments are having the biggest impact on reducing the attack surface and mitigating risk.

We asked 150 IT and security decision-makers, across a variety of sectors about their cyber security challenges. 97% said they have increased cyber security investment, but many feel it’s failing to make the right impact, with 55% feeling less secure today than a year ago. 61% confirmed they lack confidence that their level of cyber investment will be enough to reduce their overall risk.

This may all seem like a daunting reality. Below we've provided 5 practical, achievable steps that you can make - today - to mitigate against risk and ensure they can safely reap the rewards of the digital revolution.

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1. Understand your risks & current security state

One of the first obstacles to providing your business with better protection against the risk of cyber attack is poor visibility. It can be difficult to know what you don’t know, or to outsmart opponents that can navigate your code undetected. Taking time to delve into your security - looking at areas such as system access and authentication, responsiveness, service settings, Mobile Device Management and Preparation and Monitoring - will help you to get a clear picture of the here and now, highlighting gaps.

2. Create a roadmap with actionable recommendations

You won’t be able to do everything all at once, so understanding what the biggest areas of risk are and how they can be addressed is key -helping to identify quick wins that will have the biggest impact. Remember that most attacks are opportunistic, so taking time to ensure you have the right basic controls in place will swiftly move you into a more secure position.

3. Measure & benchmark to track progress & increase ROI

Setting goals and measurable targets will help to ensure the project stays on track, while also giving you vital information on which controls are having the most impact. No business has an endless budget: you need to know what is moving the needle and having the greatest impact. This can help to guide future investment and increase RoI on your security tooling.

4. Design & build security into your foundations

By considering security at the outset of every project, it is easier to embed secure practices than trying to retrofit them down the line. Equally, overhauling legacy SOC processes can help to ensure you can use new tooling effectively -creating templates for how security should look. For instance, by embedding security to the seam of the data pipeline you can create a ‘golden image’ for every other machine to replicate, so they inherit the same level of security.

5. Invest in the right training & tools to stay up to date

Technology moves fast as we know, so embedding a continuous learning culture is key to success. This includes updating processes and standards to become multi-cloud, whilst staying secure, through to investing in training and certification to ensure engineers are up to date on cloud security -right through to ensuring users understand their role as new threats emerge.

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Organisations that have experienced a cyber attack understand only too well the lasting damage it causes. Those that have not, read about it every day in the news and the impact of even a relatively small cyber attack can be severe, with financial, operational and reputational repercussions. Read the full report and learn from your peers.

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